A project to deliver NADCON datum transformation data to python processing pipelines and graphing utilities.

nc5ng-python is developed across several source packages, but the complete distribution can be installed directly through using python package index tool pip

pip install nc5ng

Which will fetch all the internal packages and build the distribution.


To facilitate development across multiple domains nc5ng serves as a meta-package that installs all currently released utilities

  1. nc5ng-core
  2. nc5ng-common

Core NADCON Wrapper


A python distribution of the nc5ng code base and data. Several tightly coupled libraries are released under this package.

nc5ng.core :

Python interfaces to the underlying fortran programs in nadcon5-ng


A tightly coupled data extraction API around the fixed-format NADCON5 data files. No file generation is handled through this api, simply a wrapper for the data created using either the Make build system of NADCON5-ng or using nc5ng.core.

The API features:

  • Automated loading of pre-compiled conversion data by region, source, and target datum
  • Search and filter the complete dataset by PID, coordinate range, outlier status, input region, and other meta-data
  • Memory caching “cheese-ball” database
  • (incomplete) GIS export to OGR, PostGIS, etc.

nc5ng.build: (PLANNED)

A python wrapper of the NADCON build process and data compiling (with appropriate fortran compiler and gmt tools), this allows scripting of the building specific output grids and intermediate data programatically through python, and will serve as a build cache.

Common utilities and data types


Common types internal to nc5ng for export to standard outside tools

  • GMT/Python
  • GDAL
  • numpy
  • scipy

Github Projects:
